• d-RLY?
    91 year ago

    Good thread! I especially like when I can save stuff released from CIA files that show how much we knew that the USSR was actually helping people. Also good for at least opening the door to my friends/co-workers to re-thinking the stuff we have been told. My main goal is to spread leftism, but my more in the moment goal is to at least show that better can be done if we are willing to try.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      91 year ago

      For sure, I find western sources are incredibly valuable for engaging people. It’s a lot harder to dismiss something when it comes from the CIA who cannot possibly be accused for being biased in favor of USSR. I find that engaging people around tangible material conditions is really effective. Once people start realizing their conditions are actually worse off than what people in socialist countries enjoy, the whole freedumbs narrative unravels pretty fast.