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  1. Get the “Advanced Profanity Filter” Extension from the Firefox extension store.
  2. In the settings change the Filter Method from “Censor” to “Remove”
  3. Go to the words tab and remove all other words, insert “🇺🇦” as a word and select the match method “Regex”.

You can do that with any emoji or word you don’t want to see. Of course, you might want to keep the Ukraine Flag emoji around so that you instantly know which person’s opinion doesn’t matter.

  • @ivy
    51 year ago

    I understand the majority, but why the donut, socks, roses?

    • 陆船。
      51 year ago

      Socks and roses are ya for social democrats. The donuts is some kind DNC “fuck you vote for Hillary” in joke that a lot of blue checks were super proud of. I actually don’t really remember the context nor do I think it’s relevant anymore. I think most of them moved on to become khivers or some shit who knows. -