• @SpaceDogs
    231 year ago

    Finally. Two nights ago I had an argument with my cousin about China and the protests. He seemed disturbed about it, I pointed out how we had an entire convoy drive across country to Ottawa protesting COVID policies and he’s not freaking out about that. He tried to say it was different because apparently China was forcing people to be locked in their homes. I told him we literally had people with Nazi flags threatening to murder government officials. Also children were going to school just fine in China so I don’t know why he’s pissed at China but not what’s going on over here.

    Then again he was also the guy who was mad about the England soccer team (or whichever one, I don’t follow sports) considering wearing rainbow arm bands in support of lgbt/protesting the Qatari government. He and I look at the armbands differently; he thinks it’s a distraction and annoying, no gays, just sports pls. While I think it’s an empty sentiment and hypocritical considering trans people are in danger over on TERF island. Very frustrating…

      • @SpaceDogs
        31 year ago

        Yeah… typical Portuguese, soccer over everything. He also loves Dave Chapelle so….