Welcome again to everybody! Make yourself at home. Sit down in that chair over there. Is anyone reading this? Take off your shoes, please; I just cleaned that carpet. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is our weekly discussion thread!

We have our own Matrix homeserver at https://genzedong.org; you can make an account with any Matrix client (e.g. Element). We also have a GenZedong Matrix room (see the sidebar for more information), and there’s a general Lemmygrad Matrix room at #internationale:genzedong.org.

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Short reading list for new MLs here. To find theory (and other books), you can use z-lib, libgen, or Sci-Hub (for scientific articles). If an article is unavailable, try the Wayback Machine.

  • This one? I’ve skipped the recent videos with Angelo Giuliani because of his rants about trans people and “globalists”, but I’d be interested in a better analysis from a Malaysian perspective if you end up writing one

    • Neptium
      31 year ago

      Yes that’s the one. I’ll definitely let you know if I get round to it!

      Also, I have heard about The New Atlas but only watched this one specific video - and I have to ask, is Berletic always this patronising?

      • I never thought of him as patronizing; he does come across as confident, but in his solo videos, he always presents evidence to support his claims (mainly by showing contradictions between different bourgeois media sources). Apparently the confidence is unjustified in this case, though