I jist finished watching Ukraine on Fire.

If the USA would do that… Then I cant even say in good confidence that the USA is even a republic.

If the USA would do that shit anywhere; then how can any of us trust the results of any American election?

    • @lxvi
      81 year ago

      The positive is that competent statesmen and bureaucrats either resign or get purged in such a dishonest and hostile environment. Intelligent and capable people have principles and ethical standards. Even if they’re not mass aligned, they’re aligned with some higher virtue than ‘to the strong go the spoils.’ Capable men are men of their craft. That’s what you saw over the last couple years; a flood of high ranking bureaucrats resigning over official policies. Before that we have the Doulma investigators denouncing the OPCW. Even today Scott Ritter has made a name for himself.

      It’s gotten so far that the whole Western Establishment is run by blind fools in a panicked frenzy. It’s what you might call a natural contradiction of fascism. There just aren’t enough Obamas in the world to keep the whole thing running.