you’d think they give experimental medications to the poor in exchange for cash

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    1 year ago

    I mean…they do in a roundabout way. Not completely intentionally but they don’t give a shit about peoples health during Medical drug testing trials. I listen to a podcast where a guest explains that he sells his plasma to afford rent(around 100-200$USD each time he donates), and he said after doing it a few times, his bones started to ache. He did a little research and found out that in Europe and many other places, you can only donate plasma every 2 weeks and you have to be in ok shape to give plasma. Basically this guest was going 4 times a week because US regulations on plasma donations are SO weak and geared towards profit that they allow people to hurt themselves for cash. The guest said himself that the US doesn’t care about the heath of the patient, they are just after the cash in their veins. Not to mention that the guest also takes trial drugs that may or may not be safe, he also isn’t allowed to impregnate anyone because his sperm is most likely hazardous for a baby to develop properly. The guest rents out a basement. So I mean is that human experimentation? Some would say no some would say yes, but the US certainly isn’t working hard to take an Anti-human-experimentation position. It’s not like Nazi experiments where they would do god awful things to twins and minorities in the name of “science” these days, it usually is part of medical studies and as coercive as it is, the US can claim people are doing this willingly, which we all know isn’t true.