• @fidel_castroOP
    75 years ago

    Well class and ideology are completely independent concepts. You can have someone in the bourgeoisie who is communist (like Engels), or someone in the proletariat who supports capitalism (like most of the working class in the first world). So for Anarchists it also depends on their material conditions, from what I see most online, of them live in western countries, and are not affected that much by oppression.

    My opinion is that they are genuinely against capitalism and fascism, and as such are already better than socdems or demsocs. But their lack of understanding of class and materialism will prevent them from implementing a dictatorship of the proletariat, which means they will never gain any permanent success. And they even stand against actual socialist states, siding with capitalists at the worst.

    But in the end it all depends on material conditions, and the good thing is that anarchism is a first step for many people into Marxism-Leninism.

    • @BakuninSandwich
      05 years ago

      What do you make of Greece’s radical left being majority anarchist instead of communist?

      • @fidel_castroOP
        45 years ago

        I dont really know anything about Greek politics, so I cant answer that. But from what I heard, they arent very successful overall.