Basically the title. That post reminded me of last Christmas when I got together with a few friends and all I remember is at one point I was on the floor crying about how “I just want all the Capitalists to fucking die.” Like actually tearing up with emotion because of how badly I wanted it.

Then in a debate at some point one of my, now former, “friends” had said something about how “I support imperialism when it benefits me” and I called him a fascist fuck and have not spoken to him since that day.

Idk where I’m going with this but as I’m on my second quart of dry cider and listening to the national anthem of the USSR whilst crying about why is it gone I was reminded I’m not the only one. Thanks Comrades.

  • @bleepingblorp
    72 years ago

    Destruction is all well and good but you also need to be able to replace it with a viable alternative after the things are gone.