Hi everyone, Ive been tasked with a certain social media to build support for the party with, its grown rather quickly and I get bombarded with too many comments that I can’t effectively research appropriate sources and debunking truth (not to even mention anything i suggest gets called a biased source, which duh all sources are biased) It would be great if we could sort of crowdsource a thread here of common anti communist myths and lies and the relevant debunking.

video linked relevant obviosuly

  • stalinsghost☭OP
    2 years ago

    We have a solidarity post celebrating WPK 77th anniversary coming up, it may be really handy to start there with DPRK. Also another commerating Che Guevara on his death anniversary.

    Otherwise in general we just get a bunch of stupid comments like communism wont work. Or fash scum saying how socialism sucks but national socialism is based. I just spoil the ending of mein kampf for those nazis tho.

    Edit: can’t seem to find the github repo but i think i dont know what Im looking for