Ukraine flag strikes again.

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker
    42 years ago

    Thanks, I searched that. Now I have cancer and am contemplating why I was born on earth.

    • @cayde6ml
      72 years ago

      Fidel Castro once attended a meeting with Jean Paul Sartre, and Castro’s face was disgusted and apalled.

      Apparently the meeting was a proposal to lower the age of consent in France.

        • @cayde6ml
          32 years ago

          That is brain-twistingly frustrating but in a strange way its understandable.

          Sometimes I wonder if the age of consent is too low at 18. Other times I wonder if its a tiny bit too high. I’ve read arguments that in a “perfect” world the age of consent would be 16, even though I think that would be kinda gross. At the same time I think early 20’s might be a bit too high.

            • @cayde6ml
              42 years ago

              Of course, Romeo and Juliet laws and age gap exceptions and the like are important.

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        22 years ago

        I searched on Searx, and I see this detail nowhere. Where can I find it?

        • @cayde6ml
          22 years ago

          I might have seen it on Lemmygrad a few weeks/months ago.