Hello, baby Marxist here!

Personally mine was reading.

When I was a liberal I loathed reading and found it hard to even read a short article. I rarely researched everything I heard, and as a teenager, I was like every other liberal, getting my news off social media.

Now I make sure to research everything, however, getting into theory is a bit hard. Most of the information I learned about communism was through fellow comrades, because like before, I got my information from other people’s comments.

Currently I’m restoring my motivation for reading by starting small. Reading long comments from comrades helped a lot. I’ve now moved on to reading information from leftist sources without effort, and I’m starting on reading the communist manifesto.

Enough about me, what were your side effects?

  • @holdengreen
    142 years ago

    “socially progressive but fiscally conservative” I had a girl tell me that and was like ok…

    • @Ottar
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @holdengreen
        42 years ago

        “I also think you are stupid enough to believe I’m not just some reactionary conservative.”

    • SovereignState
      82 years ago

      just try to warp “fiscal conservatism” as a label into actually supporting a planned economy lol

      “I’m fiscally conservative. I think infinite profit is unsustainable and setting limits on the market in, oh I don’t know, 5 year plans or something is probably the right move.” 😉

      • MexicanCCPBot
        42 years ago

        “Yeah I’m a paleo-conservative. I advocate for a return to primitive communism, that is.”