In a nutshell, mine would be:

  • “My favorite color is red. Imma look up economic systems. Wait, what is socialism? Hey! The socialists like red! Oooooooh, their books are also red! I’m sure that these will be good reads-”
  • A few hours later
  • “Huh, I’m an ML now. I regret nothing.”

Though, I’m just asking what was the dumbest reason you get radicalized left-wards.

  • TheAnnoyingOne🏳️‍⚧️
    62 years ago

    It started a few months ago just before the war in Ukraine “started”. I was pretty active on r/Russia, where I was making fun of Ukraine’s idiotic politics with others on there, until the sub has been quarantined. I was curious wether other subreddits existed similar to it. Than, Reddit recommend me r/genzedong. After I’ve checked it out, I became more and more interested in the ML ideology, till that sub got quarantined too, so I migrated to lemmygrad, still finding out new stuff about said ideology, which imo, is not just an ideology, it’s an idea, for no matter what you are, do, etc, you’ll be able to live a life without fearing to loose your home and your belongings.