• loathesome dongeater
    42 years ago

    Many people in China are miserable and for various reasons. The main reason is a lack of freedom.

    Do western people really believe this caricature of people in developing countries? You really think that when two people are talking, one says “ah fuck man i wish i had more freedoms.” Meanwhile the approval of CPC in China is through the roof.

    • @GenkiFeral@lemmy.ml
      -32 years ago

      perhaps it is just the Chinese people I know who move here. Rumor has it that a Chinese man would pay an American woman $40,000 to marry her so that he can get citizenship.

      • loathesome dongeater
        2 years ago

        This is largely because western country on average have better standards of living, better wages etc. owing to imperialist theft. It’s not to quench their thirst for freedom and democracy. The man isn’t thinking “fuck I really want to #Vote between two senile rapist septuagenarians to choose #MyPresident”.

        • @GenkiFeral@lemmy.ml
          22 years ago

          I agree 100%. Last night I watched a documentary partly about how Bernie Sanders was shoved out of the candidacy by his own party. Republicans have the same problem. Our system is broken and we get to “choose” the candidates the elites want and therefore, there is no real choose, no real democracy - and it keeps getting worse.