Some real joker shit happening in here.

  • @lxvi
    -32 years ago

    I’m all for the wild west of the internet. I don’t have a problem with Alex Jones existing. They banned him from everything and all he did was take his ball and go somewhere else. Just like reddit suppresses marxism leninism and causes us to migrate. The people of aren’t socialists as a rule. They’re more akin to the FOSS crowd. For many reasons I’m not concerned with fascists on the internet. They aren’t working within the State. The liberals of either party are state actors and therefore more frightening to me than fringe fascists hiding in the backwater. I’m of the line to let them have their communities so long as they don’t enter ours and cause trouble. On this topic I’m more in line with the general sentiment of I’m for the freedom of discourse. The truth will stand on its own merits.

    • loathesome dongeater
      42 years ago

      They banned him from everything and all he did was take his ball and go somewhere else.

      Yeah but deplatforming has also worked in cases like the guy who used to be “Nero” on Twitter. He could be dead in a ditch and no one would know.