Once relegated to the mere corners of some fringe political currents in Russia that nobody took seriously, we have had the misfortune of being subjected to Dugin in the English-speaking web thanks to the tireless efforts of the patsoc crowd, specifically the Infrared folks, who made it their mission to put communism and the revolution on hold to promote the word of Dugin.

With that in mind, and because I see some people uncritically accepting Dugin as this great figure to look up to (they never actually call him a Marxist) in the name of contrarianism, I figured I was gonna have to actually read Dugin. When the Internet was created and touted as a way to bring people closer together, I’m not sure this is what they had in mind.

Regardless, I have downloaded a PDF of Dugin’s foundational book, The Fourth Political Theory, and I can now look forward to a very good time for the foreseeable future.

Oh no what’s this

Oh shit shit shit

Oh fuck you at this point you’re just trolling

  • @CriticalResist8OPA
    2 years ago

    In typical American exuberance, they seem to believe they have invented national-bolshevism or what they now call patriotic socialism (to their credit, that is a uniquely USian strand).

    Alain Soral needs no introduction to the French memeosphere; he is one of the best memes ever conceived by pure accident. Soral has long been a nazbol, but he came to prominence in the early 2000s by appearing on TV and creating polemics. His self-assured, confident style resonated with many and guaranteed him more airtime – one thing was sure, he left no one indifferent.

    He was soon banned from appearing on public Television and after a period of relative calm, he came back with his own newspaper and now publishes his books with whoever will let him. Truthfully, he’s not doing great on the fundraising front but he has found backers that let him live in Switzerland (let that sink in; the ethnonationalist emigrated) in a very exclusive building that is reportedly owned by the Vatican. We should ask what Soral’s secret was to abolish his own rent, as I am sure many of our comrades would like to benefit from this simple trick too.

    Like most nazbols (who prefer the lesser-charged “Fourth theory” name), Soral makes some nonsensical, surface-level criticisms at the imperial core and dresses that in an ideology that, they demand, must be taken seriously.

    The “right on value, left on labour” you read up there is not there by chance; this is literally what Soral has boiled down his ideology to.

    There is no communism in Soral’s ideas – anti-imperialism, even if for the wrong reasons, is not uniquely communist. There is however a whole bunch of ethnonationalism. Where they differ, however, is that they are not racist in the way you would expect. If they had their way, they will allow you to immigrate, provided you become French: learn the language, uphold the institutions,

    To see Soral a) be given the foreword (despite being probably even more obscure than Dugin) and b) state point blank in that foreword that Dugin and he “agree on all the important points” tells me everything I need to know about this book and Dugin’s hot pot of ideas he borrowed here and there to create what he calls an ideology.

    Nonetheless in moments that I hate my life enough, I will read this book as far as I can. If and when I do, you will be able to read my thoughts in this thread if you dare.

    • @Samubai
      42 years ago

      o7 thank you for your sacrifice, comrade. Put these 🤡 ideologies to rest.