I ended up linking neoliberal sources and was just ignored and downvoted lol.

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik
    222 years ago

    deported German settlers from the country

    I remember getting into an argument with an antisocialist on Reddit years ago who said elsewhere that I was justifying ‘ethnic cleansing’. I was enraged reading that.

    Capitalists have always liked synchronizing class with ethnicity when possible, as we can see in Apartheid South Africa. It isn’t the decolonizers’ fault that it looks like an ethnic issue.


    Soviet famine (of 1932–3). ‘Holodomor’ is a dysphemism coined by Ukrainian ultranationalists.

    Nazis argue that literally no one died during the Holocaust

    Not exactly. Most of them prefer to argue that it was ‘only a few’ Jews who died and that they probably died by accident anyway.