Nerds are the most joyless, antisocial, and bitter people.

Dont be a nerd.

  • @GloriousDoubleKOP
    102 years ago

    That’s what kills me about the whole thing. It’s comic accurate but also extremely modernized. Old school Sandman is quaint compared to modern social relations.

    And ya know… The fact that anyone would actually be upset that a show would be very very gay is hogwash. These weird reactionary nerds dont HAVE to take issue with these slight changes as they do. Sandman was never about a frozen moment in time and thought and culture.

    People literally can not cope with the idea that gay people and POC exist.

    Casting a Black woman as Death is like… The most theater thing you could do and I think the show is better with its deliberate diversity.

    Im so fucking done with plebeians being upset that artists want to put diversity into their work. If diversity is pandering, then so is a near total cishet white casting and these people wouldnt know authentic art if it put on cheap lipstick and rimmed them.