Now with today’s age where almost everything is sexualized, and everywhere you look there’s sexual implications on it. As a lonely teenager myself going through the “horny phase.” Things are not going good for me. How do you deal with impure thoughts? (No religion stuff plz lol)

  • @darkcalling
    62 years ago

    Creative erotic writing can help with giving yourself an outlet that’s healthy. You can write yourself or find stories written by others.

    IMO framing sexuality/sexual thoughts as “impure” is wrong and unhelpful. At the most you might frame it as a lack of discipline but understand it’s very normal to have sexual thoughts, desires, fantasies (even dark ones at times). You just need to be constructive with how you deal with this rather than destructive. Some horny young men for instance get frustrated that women don’t reward them with sex for existing and their course of destruction is inceldom and constant fantasy that turns ugly and hateful rather than fixing themselves. So I think you have to put it in its place. It’s fine to be horny, to indulge in sexual health habits for release. It’s not fine for it to totally consume your life. Have a space for eroticism, sex, fantasy, kink, but also have a space for exercise, for self-improvement, for reading, for socializing, for having a hobby, etc. As long as you keep life balanced, don’t retreat into sexual obsession at the expense of the rest of your life I don’t think this is a problem.

    But do practice self-control. Keep in mind consent. That women are people not objects for pleasure. That all people for that matter are.

    If there are truly troublesome things that trigger negative behaviors or extremely damaging thoughts/thought patterns you might try avoiding them. Social media for instance, focusing intensely on negative things and loneliness. Real life pornography is far from the only way to receive stimulation.