Now with today’s age where almost everything is sexualized, and everywhere you look there’s sexual implications on it. As a lonely teenager myself going through the “horny phase.” Things are not going good for me. How do you deal with impure thoughts? (No religion stuff plz lol)

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    42 years ago

    That’s a great point about deleting social media. I did away with FB/Twitter/Insta+ more (I basically just use snap to keep up w a girl I talk to) and I noticed that my peers were like 80% less sexualized. A lot of what’s presented to you on social media is an exaggeration of themselves, or an overly sexual version of themselves to get attention, and that attention isn’t even a bad thing to seek, people have their own reasons for why they may feel ignored or not interacted with enough in their daily life, so social media is an easy way to put a bandage on that insecurity. But it’s not for me and I feel that it has too much of an effect on me, so I did away with it because it was a net negative.

    • @redshiftedbrazilian
      52 years ago

      For real though, WHY DO PEOPLE SEEK SO MUCH ATTENTION? Your reply is driving me crazy lol.

      I dont know if I have a satisfying awnser for it. My guess is that being recognized by your community is obviously important but in our neoliberal hellhole we call society there is no such thing as communities, so people seek atention in many different ways. With the rise of social networks not only people finally had a plataform to do so but they are encoraged to, because this is these companies only way to profit. In order to get attention these people need to “master” the algorithims, which essentially is to learn how to sell their image. The only (or the most proeminent way) in our neoliberal world to feel validated as a person/to be recognized is to turn yourself in a commodity. This is similar to the way incels see relationships - not something that is built with another person but as a trade, where you can exchange “being nice” for sex.

      If we couple this together with the fact sex is widely used in marketing because it works, it appeals to something “visceral” within us, what we have is people objectifying theirselves as a way to be valued, which leads to social medias having a high amount of “sexual” content.

      That’s just a guess though, I feel like something is off and I can’t point it out

      • ButtigiegMineralMap
        52 years ago

        Well, I don’t want to repeat myself, but I genuinely think part of it comes from not being interacted with on a human emotional level enough. It’s less inherently linked to capitalism more of a subtle aspect. Capitalism doesn’t give us enough free time to communicate through our insecurities properly and capitalism even plays an active role in creating or worsening your insecurities to sell solutions/ aka products to you. But it happens in socialist society too. You’ll see men and women flaunting, not because of capitalist institutions, but because no place is perfect, there are always people who don’t receive the human contact that is deserved(and that applies to conventionally attractive people too, they are fetishized, treated like they are on a different social tier). So I think personally most of the intense sexualization of everything is most certainly a byproduct of capitalism that, like you mentioned, makes markets of everything and uses visceral emotions to get to their market base, but it mostly comes from insecurity. Some people are very sexual and don’t seem insecure though, those are probably the best kind of sexual people because I feel like they gratify themselves rather than a preconceived notion of themselves and how they should act according to society

        • @SunshinerOPM
          42 years ago

          That makes sense. Besides the societies and systems, it’s also has a lot to do with the human themselves internally. You mentioned it happens in socialist societies, which is true. I personally feel that it’s more common in capitalist societies than socialist.

          Bottom line, I agree when you say that it’s not fully because of capitalism, though I do think that this issue is more common in capitalist structures.

        • @redshiftedbrazilian
          32 years ago

          Yeah I agree, this is just something I was thinking about because of your awnser and wanted to share. Point is not that people feel lonely, this is normal in any society like you said, but more how do they act because of this in a capitalist society and how their response would be linked to the dominant ideology

      • @SunshinerOPM
        32 years ago

        This is definitely it! I also find myself seeking attention, currently am getting over this. When I was an liberal in my early teen days, this desire for attention was strong. Ever since I became ML that desire somehow went away. Must be my change in ideologies. Especially the view on money power and fame. I don’t have greed or care for a whole load of cash anymore.

        Could you tell me more about this? Your reply was very interesting, I’d love to learn more of this.

        • @redshiftedbrazilian
          32 years ago

          I wish I could, this is just something I was thinking because of the other comrade awnser and I wanted to share. But the fact that when you “chabged ideologies” thibgs got a bit easier makes me think there is a link here somewhere

          Do you have any ideas?

          • @SunshinerOPM
            32 years ago

            Ideas? Like… my current ideologies or any idea on the link between the two?

              • @SunshinerOPM
                2 years ago

                My story of the link between the two


                While suffering in liberal indoctrination, I would worry about attention, feel bad about my social media status, and what others thought of me. I thought I would “need more money” to look prettier. The breaking point for me was the sexual mindset. I noticed in capitalist culture, sexualization is everywhere, and they associate the human’s need for a community as something sexual. I also noticed “friends with benefits” becoming popular. All of a sudden everyone wants to fuck their friends lol.

                There was something fishy with this. As a WOC, the standard for black women was so exploitative. They expect us to look a certain way in order to be some “beautiful black queen/goddess.” I knew I couldn’t achieve that coz I didn’t have that kind of money. I would feel bad about myself for not having that “black magic.” After converting to Marxism, that desire went away completely. I noticed those standards were apart of fetishizing black women.

                This community has beliefs I can get behind. In fact, I believed in them all along. I just kept them down while being a liberal because I was afraid of being “cancelled” and pushed away. (The desire to belong was being attacked while in that community.) Whew being a liberal was the most miserable time in my life. I think the reason I thought I was a liberal was because I thought that liberals were the only people that “cared” about POC and LGBTQ+ rights. Boy I was wrong! Faced so much racism and homophobia from those fuckers.

                Wanting to belong while being in the capitalist system is not fun. You will want to change yourself in order to belong. Capitalist culture is impossible to fit in, except for rich people who exploit others. Still, some people in the lower class want to fit in. They go extreme lengths to achieve this. (ex: Killing their own family members for insurance money.) That’s why a lot of low class people think that they should become wealthy" in order to escape oppression.

                The attractive standard in liberal and ML perspectives are so different. The Marxist perspective of attractiveness is realistic, meanwhile the capitalist culture is very unrealistic. They expect children to have an hourglass shape, and expect you to have silky smooth skin at 75 y/o. The makeup style in their standards is so damn expensive! However, I feel like this community has more realistic attractive standards. I noticed myself being attractive to “average women” more than “pretty 10/10” women. I think personality matters over looks in this community, which gives some type of comfort and more confidence in myself.

                People here are actually caring, they stand firm on their beliefs, and don’t change them whenever their favorite politician says so. They acknowledge the blunders a communist figure may have had and overcome it instead of making excuses for it. Communists aren’t phony, and are truly good people.

                Also, you become more attractive being a ML. 😉 I personally think it’s because in this community, Marxists promote self-love and have ideologies that include self love and not changing yourself to fit the status quo. I noticed socialist figures such as Fred Hampton were very badass, and he didn’t care what others thought of him. He didn’t change his personality to be able to shake a corrupt politicians hand and be sexualized everywhere he goes. He didn’t change his word to prevent being “cancelled.” That man is inspiring.

                Castro, Guevara, Stalin, Lenin, and others were mighty handsome too 😍

                I might be wrong, I don’t know. Personally I can’t make a real idea of the link, it’s kind of a feeling, hard to explain properly. It’s like… A natural change in mindset without even thinking about it. You can compare your mindset between the present and past, but can’t make an accurate description of it.

                • @redshiftedbrazilian
                  22 years ago

                  I think you made a good job explaining it. Capitalism is deteriorating every sphere of our lifes

                  Also fuck yeah Fred Hampton is indeed badass and one of the main people to radicalize me.