I 100% know and understand why we hate Rowling, she deserves all the hate she gets, but why do we hate the work itself? I watched those movies when I was little when they were on TV, now couldn’t care less, and only interesting part to me are mythical creatures/monsters. But I still forgot why do we hate it so much??

Can someone remind me and explain me?

  • @Munrock
    122 years ago

    Yeah, all of these.

    The ‘death of the author’ argument is one I agree with. We should judge the books independently from the author. If Rowling was horrible but the books were excellent, then the books are excellent (and under a better system, people could enjoy the books without worrying about supporting or vindicating the author).

    I don’t even think Rowling had an agenda when she wrote the books - she was run-of-the-mill liberal ignorant when she wrote them and it was only after fame hit her that she was drawn into taking a side. But still, if we judge the books independently of the author’s intent they are stories that justify an unjust world and steer the audience towards rooting for that unjust world’s continued existence.

    • @Ottar
      1 year ago

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