I 100% know and understand why we hate Rowling, she deserves all the hate she gets, but why do we hate the work itself? I watched those movies when I was little when they were on TV, now couldn’t care less, and only interesting part to me are mythical creatures/monsters. But I still forgot why do we hate it so much??

Can someone remind me and explain me?

  • @Idliketothinkimsmart
    2 years ago

    Just for how much it dominates liberal book culture. It’s like OH MY GOD, TRUMP DID THAT THING LIKE VOLDERMORT AND THE OTHER GUY IS DUMBELDORE !!11!!1!!, just extremely obnoxious. I’m sure it’s not that unpleasant of a read, but fiction books that thick were never my deal, per se so I just found it funny to rag on the manchildren who use it as a moral compass.

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987OP
      2 years ago

      Oh, because of the libs comparing it to real life, they do that with Marvel too and basically everything, now I understand, that’s annoying as fuck…

      • @Idliketothinkimsmart
        2 years ago

        go to the readanotherbook subreddit (if you’re on reddit), it’s funny af. It’s basically the kind of people we’re talking about.

        edit: hngggg elenski noooooooo!