The Lemmygrad mod team has deliberated and decided that “patsocs”, especially those claiming the title such as Maupin, Hinckle, and Infrared, are hereby banned and are not welcome on lemmygrad.

This ban does not include those who feel some level of “patriotism” (for lack of a better word) for non-settler states ( namely those who have historically been victims of colonialism ).

Discussions surrounding the topics of settler-colonialism, and decolonization will always be allowed, as long as they don’t veer into the territory of defenses of colonialism, or affinity with colonizer over the colonized.

This includes:

  • No apologia of settler-colonialism, or defenses of colonizer over the colonized. IE no defenses of Israelis over Palestinians, or European Settlers over indigenous americans fighting for the return of stolen lands.
  • Please adhere to the Marxist-Leninist principle of Right of Nations to Self-Determination: especially holding true for indigeous peoples.
  • Please adhere to the Marxist-Leninist principle of Proletarian Internationalism.
  • No social-chauvinism, or opportunistic appeals to “conservative values” to win converts to socialism.

Here are some Marxist books / resources to learn more about Settler-Colonialism ( Audiobook torrents are linked as well )

    • @GloriousDoubleK
      2 years ago

      The issue is seeing those that know better play a dangerous game with BAD IDEAS.

      All comrades must be disciplined to some degree.

      Not every person from the country is a raving bigoted lunatic and more times than not; because I was RAISED in a poor Appalacian town; I hesitate or dont feel accurate equating the working class from the holler to the well paid chauvanistic good ol boys who owned acres and acres of land and rolled coal from their huge trucks to trigger the blue haired libs theyve never met.

      I find it really weird that they assume that most patriots are somehow all in flyover country and those who live in urban areas and maybe ambiantly picked up some progressive or inclusive manners are somehow all champaign Astoria snobs.