• @freagle
    112 years ago

    I think you’re missing a critical distinction here: Stalin, Mao, Castro, Kim Il Sung, soviet textbooks, CPUSA articles

    Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung, Soviet textbooks - socialism situated in countries that were independent of colonial oppression and/or shook off the shackles of colonial oppression.

    Castro, CPUSA, Patriotic Socialism in the US - socialism situated in European colonies

    What happened when Castro succeeded? We should understand how Europeans settler colonists left Cuba as part of the revolution. We should also understand just how during the revolution, it was believed that the indigenous people of Cuba, the Taino, were literally extinct - exterminated by the Spanish - and there was literally no indigenous body politic that could be part of the revolution let alone lead it.

    European Patriotism in the “Americas” is fundamentally a continuance of the daily-renewed genocidal oppression of European settlers. The existence of any European colonial state in the Americas is fundamentally contradictory with a sustainable society, regardless of whether the European settlers choose socialism or barbarism.