• @bleepingblorp
    92 years ago

    Workers in USSR prisons and gulags got fair wages, enough to put down payments on homes when they got out in many cases. Also “millions” my ass, someone spends too much time on “Victims of Communism” threads.

    US prisoners, who are overwhelming the descendants of former slaves merely re-enslaved while inside and actually unpaid, get shackled with debt from parole, bail, and other legal fees when released while simultaneously being unable to get jobs in just about any industry.

    As a Soviet chad might put it: “We are not the same.”

    • AgreeableLandscape☭
      2 years ago

      I once saw a picture on Reddit of Soviet “propaganda” saying that hard work will shorten your prison term. And people were comparing it to how “arbeit macht frei” was printed at Auschwitz and “that’s why communism and Nazism are the samee!!!”

      Conveniently ignoring the fact that working hard in Gulag literally did reduce your sentence, there was an entire system for that and it was extremely meritocratic. Auschwitz, just gonna hazard a guess here, not so much.