• Star Wars Enjoyer A
    202 years ago

    POC: “hey uh, give us our land back, colonizer”

    white liberal: “you must be a nazi”

    • @xxcvzvcxxOP
      2 years ago

      There was a zio guy on reddit literally saying this about Palestine. They said that back when white people stole native American’s land up to the time where Zionists “settled” Palestine, it was “the age of colonization” and therefore it was ok, but now the world has moved on so it’s no longer ok anymore. This somehow meant that Palestinians who ask for right of return are “blood and soil” nazi imperialists.

      Meanwhile Israel literally has a racial right of citizenship based on a 2000 years old story but somehow that is not “blood and soil”. It’s only “blood and soil” if natives want to go back to their lands.

      Typical lib brain.