• @SaddamHussein24
    82 years ago

    I wrote like 3 essays down below and recommended some sources. In short, theres no evidence of what you are claiming, although its a common myth promoted by western and iranian propaganda. The actual source that made this claim (without evidence) was actually backed by the CIA, King Hussein I from Jordan. He made this wild claim to deflect criticism from the baathists accusing him of being a reactionary CIA puppet (which he was).

    If what you are claiming is true (that Saddam and the iraqi baathists were anticommunist CIA puppets), then why did Iraq and the USSR sign in 1972 a Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation with the USSR that lasted from 1972 to 1991 (when the USSR collapsed) and that allowed tens of thousands of soviet troops to be stationed in Iraq? Why did Iraq join COMECON, the soviet economic alliance, in 1975 as an observer and remain there until 1990 when it collapsed? Why did the USSR and other east bloc nations sell tons and tons of weapons to Iraq, including during the Iran Iraq War where they supported Saddam against Khomeini? Why did the USSR put itself on the line by warning the Shah of Iran that if he were to invade Iraq, the USSR would perceive it as an attack on the USSR and would respond with full force? Why did the iraqi baathists form a coalition government with the Iraqi Communist Party between 1972 and 1980? Why was Saddam Hussein personal friends with Nicolae Ceausescu and Fidel Castro, who were great communist leaders, if he was a CIA puppet? Why did Fidel Castro praise Saddam until his criminal execution in 2006 as a great socialist leader and antiimperialist?

    Im afraid to say that youre wrong. I know this belief of yours is common, i used to think that myself before i researched the topic, but if you look at the evidence youll see that its completely false. Saddam Hussein was a hero of socialism and of the iraqi people, and he, together with all the other iraqi baathists, should be always remembered as a good man that fought for his people and for socialism right until the very end.