A highly detailed, stats-heavy article about the current labor situation in Russia and how the ongoing conflict is likely to affect it. Worth reading to remind ourselves that Russia, while currently performing a very crucial anti-imperialist function on the world stage, is still very much a capitalist country - albeit a peripheral one - and as such suffers from all the problems and contradictions that come along with this system.

A stark reminder for the urgent need for socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat without which it is not possible to implement the kinds of radical reforms and take the kinds of measures necessary to protect workers from the economic fallout of the confrontation with western imperialism and its fascist footsoldiers.

Our Russian comrades are not just waging a war against Ukrainian Nazis and NATO imperialists, but also daily struggle against their own bourgeois ruling class.

(P.S. the article is in Russian so you may need to use a translation plugin for your browser)

  • @kretenkobr2
    12 years ago

    Of course, anyone who thinks that Russia does not want to be in the US’s place is deluding themselves. Russia would be just as imperialist as the USA and will want to become as such as soon as the USA falls, they are a capitalist country, it is inevitable. Unless, of course, a revolution happens again :)