Income inequality is higher than it was at levels before the great depression. This is accompanied by a pandemic and increasing suppression of dissent within media and state monopolized television. Even social media has been infiltrated and controlled opposition to government policies is used to weaken any revolutionary sentiment that may present itself.

It is no secret to any revolutionary that a great depression is going to present itself soon. Comrades should propagandize, train with weaponry, or those like me who are unable to participate in combat should prepare food and resources for those who may eventually take shelter within our homes from the enemy. Even those who do not fight can create propaganda and smuggle weapons for the revolutionaries.

As revolutionaries we do not fear death, because a death for the masses is an honor and is preferable to a defeat and to be once again enslaved under capitalism. A revolution is not a dinner party, and will most likely require 12 hours of work daily for all those who are able bodied. When we die, we will reincarnate and continue this battle into our next lives. Never are we to surrender or accept anything less than a complete and total victory. We will continue this fight into the end of time and beyond because it is never an option to fail the masses! If we have no guns we will fight with knives, and if there are no knives then political power will grow from our bare hands and fists. Nothing will stop the revolutionaries of the world from a final predestined victory!

  • Charming OwlOPM
    2 years ago

    If we can get weapons that is wise. Otherwise just stock food and supplies. Also maybe find comrades in the community to form revolutionary groups in case China or Russia want to give weapons to some comrades.