So, what’s going to happen. Is Russia going to turn off the gas tap tomorrow?

  • @Shaggy0291
    152 years ago

    This is posturing for the sake of negotiation. In reality it appears the Germans and French have no real leverage in this situation so they’ll now jostle for a deal whereby the gas keeps flowing while allowing them to save face. It’ll take only a month of no heat before people are in the streets in Paris and Berlin.

    • @folaht
      112 years ago

      This is posturing for the sake of negotiation pleasing the US.

      • Cyclohexane
        32 years ago

        Not really. The US doesn’t control Europe. Both the US and Western Europe maintain the capitalist order and are acting in that interest. Western Europe is not a victim in this.

        • @knfrmity
          62 years ago

          The US 100% controls Europe, at least at the EU level and its most powerful individual members. Not to say that western Europe isn’t a victim here, they’re not, but they also aren’t nearly as independent as one would initially think.

        • @folaht
          2 years ago

          A sycophant is not a victim. EU politicians are acting like toadies to the US, loyal to a fault.
          It’s sickening.

    • @KommandoGZDOP
      92 years ago

      They’re somewhat lucky with the timing right now. Hamburg, Berlin and Dresden have had quite a bit of snow this week. The payments have to be made in ruble from today, but that only applies for deliveries starting in ~2 weeks from what I’ve gathered, so the pressure isn’t as high as it could be. Still, doesn’t matter the weather, if the gas stops flowing in 2 weeks Europes economy is toast and the Anti-Lockdown/Covid protests we’ve seen over the past couple months will increase 10-fold. Despite all their posing currently, the population and businesses can’t and won’t take this.

      • @cfgaussian
        52 years ago

        The west of Germany is also covered with snow as of today.

        • @KommandoGZDOP
          2 years ago

          Almost the entire country, no? Which is wild just from a climate POV. For some people I know this is the first proper snow they’ve had all winter…in April.

          • @cfgaussian
            12 years ago

            Correct. First snow this “winter” here. The climate is trolling us at the moment.