And we’re using our enemy’s handbook for further humiliation 😎

So to recap:

  • gasoline is the base

  • paint thinner to help the cocktail spread, the typical mixture is 50/50

  • styrofoam to help thicken it and conserve thermal heat (logically you wouldn’t use it with paint thinner, thick molotov for pinpointed damage and thin molotov for crowd control)

  • weak bottles; the mixture has to explode everywhere, not stay in the bottle. Beer and wine bottles are surprisingly tough. You can weaken it by etching streaks in it, or find a beer brand that makes weak bottles.

  • a chemical igniter is safer than lighting a rag on fire, but can be more difficult to make. A simple igniter is soaking a rag in sugar and potassium chlorate, then put sulfuric acid in the mixture. What I believe needs to happen is for the rag to touch the mixture, which should happen after you throw the molotov or while you are throwing it, but not before.

  • aim at the ground, not at vertical stuff.

Their use is mostly for show, it makes a nice ball of flame that will keep the pigs at bay. But they are not actually that powerful. However, they are very cheap and easy to make for protestors.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    42 years ago

    I’ve off and on considered writing out a detailed guide for building IEDs on /c/military for a hot second. Don’t think I’m gonna do it, don’t want the possible FBI heat for it, but we wouldn’t censor it if someone did post something like that.

    • @CriticalResist8OPA
      22 years ago

      I’d also like to avoid the FBI heat, but with backups we can be online in any jurisdiction in a minute. But at the same time yeah, I don’t want lemmygrad to be known as the scary place where the weird communists hang out. I still like that we don’t censor stuff, reddit (before I left, can’t imagine now) is so restrictive now. Can’t even say to someone you hope they stub their toes, you will get your account suspended for it. I like having that leeway on lemmygrad.

      It can also be posted in the Zhukov academy!